Rostyslav Ross Safonov

Ruby developer

Really love to use style guides, best practice solutions, design patterns etc. Like to work with and write simple, understandable code. A big fan of using pomodoro time management technique what helps me to rich result in desired timeframe. Always interested in working on new projects in a friendly team. Often work with clients directly (self-manager) without any problems.

Ruby on Rails
Digital Ocean
Backend developer at SoftServe

AUG 2021 - MAR 2022

Extended middleware-like (ETL) service to consume huge amount of sensor data. Rails API low-latency app in kubernetes cluster with multiple integrations.

Freelance full-stack developer

APR 2020 - JUN 2021

Developing medical services marketplace. Built API to be integrated with medical information systems. Rails backend & Vue.js (nuxt) frontend. Three separated front apps for: super-admin, clinic admin, customers (patients or doctors). By the way I helped with creating an API for a mobile app in a related project for patients.

Backend developer at "SOA Labs" (part-time)

NOV 2020 - MAY 2021

Real estate platform for generating online leads and managing your existing database with an intelligent home wealth advisor. Worked on extending Rails API.

Rails API & Vue.js developer(full-stack) at <NDA>

NOV 2019 - APR 2020

Worked on building cryptocurrency exchange. Rails backend & Vue.js (nuxt) frontend. Encrypted data connection between different project apps. Background jobs for fetching fresh prices.

Ruby on Rails full-stack developer at "KodoLabs"

MAY 2018 - NOV 2019

Worked on a different projects with different teams (building from "zero" & helping with existed apps). First Vue.js experience. Converted Rails native app into Rails API only & Vue.js frontend. API for mobile devices presented. DB views for statistic included. Docker deployment.

Ruby on Rails backend developer at "Loomlogic"

FEB 2017 - APR 2018

Almost all time worked on restful API for Angular 1.6 app. Also had a deal with Sidekiq background jobs, Redis, Amazon SES and S3, connecting to third party services. Did all tasks by using TDD and continuous integration. Created clear, understandable, SOLID code with rubocop verifying + avoiding callbacks and metaprogramming usage. Refactored a lot of bad legacy code.

Ruby on Rails full stack developer at "Gera-IT"

NOV 2016 - FEB 2017

Full stack tasks with RoR and Angular 1.6. Supported existing and developed new features like integrations with third party services(Pivotal, Jira, YouTrack and so on), refactoring and optimizing ruby code + DB queries for better performance. First continuous integration experience :)

Ruby on Rails full stack developer at "Rexsoft"

APR 2016 - SEP 2016

Developed e-commerce apps with microservices architecture(with Rails native frontend).

Ruby on Rails full stack developer at "Softbistro"

NOV 2014 - APR 2016

Developed CRM with Rails(Sidekiq, Redis, Amazon SES, Amazon S3) and native frontend.

Ruby on Rails full stack developer at "Tehnoprostir"

SEP 2014 - NOV 2014

Developed and supported e-commerce shop(with Rails native frontend).

Khmelnitsky Polytechnical College

SEP 2012 - JUN 2016

Software engineering specialist diploma




Board games
